Article By: Pat ‘Riot’ Whitaker ‡ Edited By: Leanne Ridgeway
Pummeling, pulverizing, punishingly dense stoner doom… there’s nothing like it, huh? Especially when presented as “intoxicating party sludge” by the band themselves, in this case, the UK’s BONGCAULDRON. The band will be releasing their new studio effort ‘Binge‘ on November 30th via APF Records.
To prepare listeners for what shall soon ensue, the chaps have unchained their new ode to slaying enemies and the imbibing of blood from their skulls, “Bury Your Axe In The Crania Of Lesser Men“, via Soundcloud today. This slowly-simmering, groove-driven millstone of heavy doom hearkens to the sonic output of acts like The Mighty Nimbus, Iron Witch, or The Gates Of Slumber.
Check it out below (along with the previously shared song “Devil“) while you can pre-order ‘Binge‘ now at this location.
‘Binge‘ tracklist:
01. Devil
02. Bury Your Axe In The Crania Of Lesser Men
03. 68
04. Binge
05. Bigfoot Reigns
06. Hopeless
07. Toxic Boglin
08. Yorkshire Born